[Starlingx-discuss] Release notes/change log creation script

Ponce Castaneda, Guillermo A guillermo.a.ponce.castaneda at intel.com
Thu Dec 6 16:56:04 UTC 2018

Hello everybody,

I want to share with you the following script that we use internally to create a Change Log everytime we generate a new StarlingX ISO.
Here, internally, we have a Jenkins server that creates (or tries to) a new ISO every day, and with this ISO we also create a manifest.xml file, and by using another job that is triggered just as the ISO Job finishes we create the Change Log by using the following script:

The script has the following requirements: Argparse, gitpython, xmljson, dictdiffer and PTable.
It requires two parameters, the old manifest.xml and the new one and it should be run like this:
$ python3 create_change_log.py-o old_manifest.xml -n new_manifest.xml

This will give you the change log on stdout.

On our Jenkins script we save a file with this and e-mail it to the team afterwards.

Please let me know what you all think about, feedback is really appreciated.

- Guillermo Ponce

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