[Starlingx-discuss] [openstack-dev] Forum Topic Submission Period

Sylvain Bauza sylvain.bauza at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 07:56:15 UTC 2018

Le mer. 19 sept. 2018 à 00:41, Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org> a
écrit :

> Hey Matt,
> Matt Riedemann wrote:
> >
> > Just a process question.
> Good question.
> > I submitted a presentation for the normal marketing blitz part of the
> > summit which wasn't accepted (I'm still dealing with this emotionally,
> > btw...)

Same as I do :-) Unrelated point, for the first time in all the Summits I
know, I wasn't able to know the track chairs for a specific track. Ideally,
I'd love to reach them in order to know what they disliked in my proposal.

> If there's anything I can do...
> > but when I look at the CFP link for Forum topics, my thing shows up
> > there as "Received" so does that mean my non-Forum-at-all submission
> > is now automatically a candidate for the Forum because that would not
> > be my intended audience (only suits and big wigs please).
> Forum Submissions would be considered separate and non-Forum submissions
> will not be considered for the Forum. The submission process is based on
> the track you submit to and, in the case of the Forum, we separate this
> track out from the rest of the submission process.
> If you think there is still something funky, send me a note via
> speakersupport at openstack.org or jimmy at openstack.org and I'll work
> through it with you.
I have another question, do you know why we can't propose a Forum session
with multiple speakers ? Is this a bug or an expected behaviour ? In
general, there is only one moderator for a Forum session, but in the past,
I clearly remember we had some sessions that were having multiple
moderators (for various reasons).


> Jimmy
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