[Starlingx-discuss] Git tagging of upstream branches

Dean Troyer dtroyer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 22:37:29 UTC 2018

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 5:15 PM, Jones, Bruce E <bruce.e.jones at intel.com> wrote:
> This all makes sense to me.  I'm assuming we did not do anything like this for the CentOS upgrades, or the in progress Ceph upgrade.  Should we handle Ceph in the same way?  And everything else going forward?

I don't know where the Ceph upgrade work is being done, nothing has
been proposed to the stx-sech repo.

The CentOS upgrades are in the stx-* repos in Gerrit under the regular
stuff, this is only for the staging repos that are direct forks of



Dean Troyer
dtroyer at gmail.com

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