[Starlingx-discuss] Issue when uploading large log files when opening launchpads

Winnicki, Chris Chris.Winnicki at windriver.com
Wed Apr 24 18:32:23 UTC 2019

Uploading large log files is an issue when opening StarlingX launchpads.
Running "collect" can often generate a tar file in excess of 500MB.
Launchpads rejects uploads greater than (approximately) 30 or 40 MB.
Current solution is to use "split" to chop up a large tar / log file, upload the smaller individual files and then reconstruct them to the original tar, ex:

split -b 29M ALL_NODES_20190422.191652.tar ALL_NODES_20190422.191652.tar.part
cat ALL_NODES_20190422.191652.tar.part* > ALL_NODES_20190422.191652.tar

The above method is time consuming; both - for the reporter and the assignee.
Below are two defects that were opened using the above method:

Would anyone have a solution for uploading large log files for LPs?  Do we have any shared project space that could be used for this purpose - so we can upload a large file in one shot and then simply link to it in LP ?


Chris Winnicki
chris.winnicki at windriver.com
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