[Starlingx-discuss] [ Testing ] Meeting agenda - 03/12/2019

Waheed, Numan Numan.Waheed at windriver.com
Tue Mar 12 17:46:36 UTC 2019

Following are the minutes of meeting of stx-test call.

Attendees: Elio, Fer, JP, Abraham, Numan, JC, Jose,Richo, Victor, Bill, Christopher
1. Plan Progress check - 30 Min
    Update Release Plan with planned dates
    - Ada to add dates on the release plan - Ada is away today. Numan will talk to her once she comes back tomorrow

    Regression Suite Submission to the repo
    Regression - AIO-SX - (JP) Will be done by Friday
    Regression - Backup & Restore - (Marvin) First draft is in
    Regression - Distributed Cloud - (Peng) Has not started yet. There will be a number of changes in the coming days.
    Regression - Gnoochi - Done - Making some changes. Should be done shortly
    Regression - FM - (Jeyan) Has not started yet but the changes are ready and will be uploaded soon
    Regression - HA - (Jeyan) Has not started yet but the changes are ready and will be uploaded soon
    Regression - Heat - (Fer) Uploaded 3 out of 12 test cases
    Regression - Horizon - Updates are complete but not uploaded to the repo. Probably need some more test cases as there are changes in Horizon
    Regression - Install and Config - (Peng) First draft is uploaded
    Regression - Maintenance - (Jeyan) Has not started yet but the changes are ready and will be uploaded soon
    Regression - Networking - (Elio) Updating the test cases. Larger number of test cases. Tentatively finishing by 03/29
    Regression - Nova - (Wendy) Started uploading the testcases. Will be completing next week. She only needs to update the comments
    Regression - Security - (Fer) 36 out of 42 test cases uploaded. Most likely finish this week
    Regression - SNMP - (Jeyan) Has not started yet but the changes are ready and will be uploaded soon
    Regression - Storage - (Maria) Already merged.
    Regression - Inventory - Needs update
    System Test - (Ada) Needs update

    Distro.OpenStack patch elimination - Progress on test plan definition
    Jose: Finished analysis of Neutron, Horizon, Cinder and Glance. Wil be reviewed once Ada is back and then Test Plan creation will begin

    CentOS 7.6 testing after merge
    Q for Ada: Do we need to test it after the merge?

    OVS-DPDK upgrade
    Elio: Test cases are reviewed. Got feedback from Ghada. Waiting for Bare metal environment setup. Have received the ISO with OVS-DPDK and containers. Will start testing today. Plan to finish in two weeks. Number of test cases are only 17 but would be tested in diiferent ways on 2+2 config. Will be using different NICs

    Test Case Automation
    Elio: 21 out of 200 existing test cases are being worked at. 7 are fixed. 8 new test cases added. A bit behind the schedule. Estimating to have 50 test cases by EOW. Overall stability of the system is hindering progress.

    Stress and Stability Testing
    JC: Did not execute stress and stability last week due to Neutron commands issue. Will schedule an execution this week.

2. Format for Manual Test Cases - txt vs. rst - 10 Min
    Although it is worth showing the test cases on a wiki but it is not a mandatory requirement. If it is taking a lot of time uploading the test cases in rst format, then we should upload the test cases in txt format.
    Should we include results of each command in the test cases? (Ada, Numan to decide)

3. Dashboard Follow-up - 05 Min
    Bruce was not on the call. Bruce is supposed to reach out to CENGN for negociation about more space.

4. Opens - 15 Min
    Fer: Need Peng to make changes in the commit he has created about security test plan
    Elio: Storage test cases are merged by Maria. They will be given to Automation team.
    Numan: Elio will talk to Ada about uploading automation test cases developed by Intel automation team.

From: Waheed, Numan <Numan.Waheed at windriver.com>
Sent: March-11-19 3:56 PM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] [ Testing ] Meeting agenda - 03/12/2019

Agenda for 03/12/2019

1. Plan Progress check - 30 Min
    Update Release Plan with planned dates
    Regression Suite Submission to the repo
    Distro.OpenStack patch elimination - Progress on test plan definition
    CentOS 7.6 testing after merge
    OVS-DPDK upgrade
    Test Case Automation
    Stress and Stability Testing

2. Format for Manual Test Cases - txt vs. rst - 10 Min

3. Dashboard Follow-up - 05 Min

4. Opens - 15 Min

Please let me know if you would like to add anything in this agenda.


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