[Starlingx-discuss] [ Test ] meeting notes for 09/10

Cabrales, Ada ada.cabrales at intel.com
Thu Sep 12 17:01:10 UTC 2019

Agenda for 09/10
Attendees: Elio, Cristopher, Fernando, JC, Jose, Maria P, JP, Richo, Yang, Ada

1. Sanity status - Cristopher
   Still green.
   After the change in the repos we found a small issue, but is fixed now. 

   app port unreachable from external - https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1841802 - still not fixed.
   After host-swact completed, unexpected swact occurred due to ceph error -  https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1840176 - intermittent issue, fixed now.

2. Unified sanity - JC
   Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hBfWCb4Rn_SmteeqjWSpgluzDH192sHv/view?usp=sharing
   What we have today: 4 configs (SX, DX, Standard local storage, standard external storage)
      Bare metal and virtual, no proxy, proxy and local registry deployments.
      Sanity for platform (containers) and OpenStack

      Proposal: WR and Intel running two configs each.

      Are we considering ping and ssh tests? those are included in the pytest suite
      We will use only pytest for running sanity testing.
     Three tests from robot are not in the pytest suite.
         Resize are in the regression repo.
         Rebuild to be added
         Reboot could be added into the nova_actions test.

    Still having problems with the natbox setup - please send the question to the mailing list. 
   Please also add this info to the documentation.

   Not a date defined yet due to the problems with the infrastructure, but next week will have more visibility.

   For reporting: Wind River will send their results to Intel and the report will be consolidated and sent out (in the mean time we do automatic reporting).

3. stx.3.0 - release and feature testing plans - Ada
   Schedule updated - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16JxIbfX7hQBjyPkaxYYuPij3XwTWDHMsB-GRwodG78M/edit?usp=sharing
      Containerized Openstack clients - Yang to ask Frank if implicit testing (sanity) is enough - update to suite is required. 
      Fault Containerization - Jose to ask if implicit testing is enough - maybe a small regression for covering this (Horizon should be manually verified)
      Upversion Openstack to Train - JC to get in contact to Bruce and ask for the plan. 
      Redfish Support - Ada to check on this one
      Performance Testing/Measurement Framework - Elio to check the deliverable expected.

      For regression - test plan is to run automated testing and select a subset of the new tests created for features for 2.0 as the manual test plan. 
            Ada to work on the list and make it public.

4. Opens - All
Yang is taking Numan's position into StarlingX. Thanks Yang!

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