[Starlingx-discuss] Bi-Weekly StarlingX OS Distro & Multi-OS Meeting Minutes: June 23, 2021

Linda Wang Linda.Wang at windriver.com
Sun Jun 27 22:19:41 UTC 2021


Attendees: Charles Short, Davlet Paench, Mark Asselstine, Scott Little, 
Frank Miller,
Bill Zvonar, Bart Wensley, Steve Geary, Ramaswamy S., Jason Norton,

1. OS Distro (Mark)

  * Debian Build Development status
      o Pulp status--> moving to APTLY(_https://www.aptly.info/_)
          + Adding source support to pulp_deb is taking longer than
          + so pivot to using Aptly
          + both have REST API, and python3 client libraries
          + discussions around hosting Pupl on CENGN, can be put on hold
            due to this change
          + Revisit Pulp in the coming months as it offers advantages
            over Aptly that may still prove to be useful to have
      o 5.10 kernel
          + Underway forCentOS base
          + packaging is still RPM, it is work in progress for Debian
          + Debian 5.10 will not be small like CentOS kernel.  Will
            include patch history
      o The team is continuingworkon minikue, stx config, etc..
        preparing for patch submission andreview
      o OS-Tree, also preparing for submitting the spec.  Working on
        writing the specstarting this week.
      o Goal for end of July, internal to WR, complete builds, and
        producing ISO repo's.
          + will have access to the build config, but will likely not be
          + will have tooling in place to allow access to config repo to
            do builds and produce diff tarballs
      o Q. What is Aptly?
          + https://www.aptly.info
          + allow one to create snapshot, distro, and releases
          + a tool to programmaticallysetup debian repo, and holds the
            debianartifacts, which becomes the input into OBS and LAT to
            generatepacakages andimagesrespectively
  * Python Status
      o not many updates
      o rebase is finished, aligned CentOS8 branch with master branch.
      o Will get back to Python 3.

2. Multi-OS

  * N/A
  * Currently interested in 5.10 kernel.

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