[Starlingx-discuss] Bi-Weekly StarlingX OS Distro & Multi-OS meeting Sept 6, 2023

Wang, Linda Linda.Wang at windriver.com
Fri Sep 15 23:00:48 UTC 2023


1. General Topics
  1.1 Split package list betweeen repositories (ISO and container images)

  *   Separeation of the list is done per Davlet.

  *   AI: Devlet will check the documentation on package list.

  *   1.2 Log into the git before download the source.

  *   How to pass the credential through the tooling layer when log into git repo.

  *   workaround: currently use repo sync outside of the containers.

  *   AI: Scott to write up a feature request for the tool - file a request in Story Board.

  *   Created: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010777, (create a jira for it)

  *   1.3  Pre-patch ISO (Luis Sampaio is back, will ping him to join us next time)

 2. ARM Support

  *    a. Equipment

  *   Steve gave the addresses for the location of the hosts, 4 in Alameda, and 1 in Ottawa lab, 1 remains to confirm.

  *   ARM is sending those machines to these locations.

  *   pre-installed?

  *   b. CI/CD updates

  *   CI/CD try to set up the workflow in ARM's local lab (ARM's Shanghai Lab), applied Jackie's patches, but may still need more patches to do builds.

  *   c. Porting still in progreess (Jakie)

  *   rewrote the coding to support build system for both x86 and arm

  *   build system will detect the arch, and if it is arm, it will build arm arch.

  *   Wrote up the SPEC on the implementtaion., and now waiting on SPEC to be review

  *   SPEC review first then will send code for code review.

  *   Some kernel modules don't work

  *   QEMU is not working yet. Waiting on kernel up-rev, then and see if QEMU can be fixed then.

  *   Created 2 wikipages for setting up the build environment for ARM arch:

  *   https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/StarlingX_Debian_on_ARM_Information_Guide

  *   https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/DebianArmBuildEnvironment

  *   SPEC file review continoues, Kernel SPEC file needs reviewer.

  *   Need more community reviewers.

  *   d. Packages for x86_64 are in CNGN, need to push ARM packages there.

  *   Set up the own (CNGN like) website, push the packages to the website as part of CI/CD website (/export/mirror)

  *   Secureboot is disabled for now. Will do it in the future.

  *   ELF SDK is used to build image. Need to push the SDK to CNGN, no permission to push to CNGN yet, it is on local disk.

  *   AI: Need to provide permission to Jackie so that he can push ELF SDK to CNGN.

  *   Need to change meta-lat layer for ELF SDK, but want to link the task to different repo, but can't.

  *   meta-lat layer is not in the StarlingX repo, but its in github repo. fork it.. do a pull request to github lab for any changes.

  *   meta-lat used is with the WR's repo, not community one. Will migrate later.

  *   e. OSTree

  *   removing OSTree from the installer ISO.  (not from the StarlingX)

  *   Work in progress, not sure when it will be ready. Possible early next year, StarlingX 9.

 3. StarlingX 8.0

  *   SPEC from Chuck on OSTree generation on the controller, pending review.

  *   Work is being done, but the SPEC will need to be rewritten. Deferred/Pending.

Next Meeting: September 20, 2023

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