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<div><font color="#1F497D">Minutes from today’s session:</font></div>
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<div><font color="#1F497D">Minutes for October 7 meeting:</font></div>
<div><font color="#1F497D">1. Proposed new meeting day and time to accommodate the team in China:</font></div>
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<li>Would Tuesdays at 6:30AM Pacific work? Bruce indicates the distro.openstack meeting only needs 30 minutes so this timeslot is available.</li></font>
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<div><font color="#1F497D">2. stx3.0 feature status:</font></div>
<div><font color="#1F497D"> Note: Stx.3.0 MS3 = Oct 16 RC1 = Nov 13</font></div>
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<li>2005937: Intel GPU K8s device plugin support in StarlingX [An Ran] - last fcst from Cindy was 9/27 - require updated forecast</li><li>2005514: QAT K8S device plugin support in StarlingX</li></font>
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<li>Bruce: Code is out for review; Frank to follow-up with CIndy for updated forecast</li></font>
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<li>2005860: Upversion container components [Al Bailey]</li></font>
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<li>k8s v1.16 delivered last week, sanity issue with proxy identified and fix merged last week --> Christopher confirmed this issue is not seen in today's sanity</li><li>k8s v1.16.1 is now available and contains FD leak fix + a couple other panic issues addressed - looks like some key bug fixes that we would want</li><li>Plan is to move to either v1.16.1 or v1.16.2 for stx.3.0</li></font>
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<li>2004761: Integrate Backup & Restore with Containers [Ovidiu Poncea]</li></font>
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<li>Feature commits now merged. Platform B&R is complete and ready for testing. </li><li>B&R with stx-openstack code is complete but some designer level test and doc still required.</li></font>
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<li>2006536 Collect tool enhancements for containers [Dan Voiculeasa] --> DONE</li><li>2006537: Decouple Container Applications from Platform (stx.4.0 feature) [Bob Church] </li></font>
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<li>Bob has pushed a set of reviews to enable plug-ins; additional reviews to use plug-ins and decouple pending</li><li>Spec is getting some reviews; reminder to TSC primes to please review</li></font>
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<li>2004008: [Feature] Create HELM chart for Fault project [An Ran] - one commit needs a new approach - discussed in item #2</li></font>
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<div><font color="#1F497D">3. Design discussion for FM containerization Horizon implementation issue:
<a href="https://review.opendev.org/#/c/661423/">https://review.opendev.org/#/c/661423/</a></font></div>
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<li>Reviewed options for approach where a running container image is not updated on the fly [Ran, Don, Tyler, etc]</li><li>Without this commit, the openstack Horizon would not show VM alarms (but would be visible via CLI); ie: No GUI panel for showing any openstack alarms</li><li>To solve this would require one of 2 options:</li></font>
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<li>Split GUI plugin into 2: one with shared panels, the other with the platform panels (preferred option), Tyler estimate: 2 weeks but Tyler tied up with distributed cloud</li><li>In horizon image add in needed dependencies (was tried and wasn't working - additional debug will be required)</li></font>
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<li>Frank to review with TL (Brent) and decide if in stx.3.0 we can live without GUI alarms for openstack. If we decide we need the GUI panel, then we have to re-enable the code to turn off FM containerization until this issue is solved.</li></font>
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<div><font color="#1F497D">4. STX gating LPs (24, 5 High, 19 Medium) - down 5 from last meeting - THANKS!</font></div>
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<li>No updates or discussion required at this meeting.</li><li><font color="black"> </font></li></font>