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<p>Dockerhub will be implemented a 6 month image retention limit on
it's free accounts starting November first. StarlingX have been
using the free service up till now, so this applies to us.<br>
<p>Reading their <a href="https://www.docker.com/pricing/retentionfaq?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWldKbE5UWTFNbU00TldRNCIsInQiOiJqaXFqUDRLOSsySDM4OTU1TXdcLzFtZlRMTU01amtYdWRLaFNGeVlPc3hGRWx5aElDWmdBRTRlbUp4SUhNWEY1TktXRVJ3V0lYWloreDNnY3FweU5jTWRmdUp2ZFJTbmdGd3dRbEV6VEQ5N3hycXZDZHpMYm1yY2RaSmFIVWdGU0wifQ%3D%3D">Container
Image Retention Policy FAQ</a>, it looks like it's 6 months of
inactivity, rather than 6 month since creation. I don't think the
risk is terribly high, but we may want to look into a <a moz-do-not-send="true" href="https://www.docker.com/pricing/faq">payed
plan</a> as insurance.</p>
<p>Scott Little<br>