Agenda for 05/26/2020


Attendees: Yang, Nicolae, Ruediger, GeorgeC, GeorgeP, Bruce, Mihail


·         Sanity Status:

·         stx4.0 testing:


§  Centos8:

·         Mostly done, a few issues to report/investigate.

§  Ceph - Rook

·         Development still in progress, will provide another load by May29th. 

·         Test plan needs update (system CLIs won't be supported) - in discussion with developers while waiting for new load

§  Upversion Openstack services used by flock components on host: 

·         Test completed - feature spreadsheet updated.

§  Upgrade Containerized OpenStack to Ussuri (and OpenStack helm rebase)

·         Planned sanity is completed. IPv6 is not covered.

·         Test coverage question raised in community, may need followup on that in terms of test plan.

§  Windows Active directory completed

·         Testing in progress with small add-on to support multiple-dex

§  Red fish virual media support - testing  completed

§  Kubernetes Upgrade Support

·         Completed - feature spreadsheet updated.

§  Kata Containers

·         ETA end of May29th week or early in following week

·         Issue encountered after activating kata runtime - need to confirm with developer, may be by design.

§  TSN

·         Rudiger started the setup

§  B&R with etcd database

·         Feature testing completed, spreadsheet updated

·         Weekly based regresssion is done - all failing

§  Regression started - used May16th load due to no good build in past week.

§  Automated robot regression ran in virtual env and various types of failures encountered

·         Some caused system to be unusable – openstack cmd no longer works

·         Needs to investigate and report LPs

§  Telemetry test cases fail - openstack event list does not work, LP to be opened

§  Will continue with Regression using May25+ load

§  Regression at risk – need to scope down regression testing to high priority test cases to see if we can meet current schedule

·         Open topic

§  Need automated installation script

·         Robot framwork installation scripts are used in daily sanity with basic setup and provisioning - needs libvert and qemu installed


o    Nic: Look into adding to Docs/Wiki. Perhaps after stx4.0.

§  Suggest to priorize the features without hardware depency - timeline after stx4.0 release

·         Yang to add column to existing feature spreadsheet to identify automation candidates 

§  Teams are loaded with stx4.0 testing

§  Will take the strategy to bring up simplex system in one VM

·         Before 4.0: talk to OpenDev to get VM

·         After 4.0: set up the vm

·         TBD: Zuul component