Thanks Maria.

I expect you will have issues as per the bug below which will impact nova/VM functionality, so you may need to wait for tonight’s build for a virtual env sanity.





From: Perez Ibarra, Maria G []
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 7:18 PM
To: Khalil, Ghada; Jones, Bruce E; Zvonar, Bill
Subject: RE: [Starlingx-discuss] [Containers] Sanity Test - ISO 20190619


Hello Ghada,


The execution in virtual environment takes more time than baremetal. Yesterday’s execution started late and the virtual environment wasn’t attempted. For today’s build we are working on gathering results and in a final debug, we are seeing possible issues launching VM that only applies in a virtual environment and creating the appropriate Launchpad.



Maria G.



From: Khalil, Ghada []
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 6:02 PM
To: Jones, Bruce E <>; Zvonar, Bill <>; Perez Ibarra, Maria G <>
Subject: RE: [Starlingx-discuss] [Containers] Sanity Test - ISO 20190619


Hi Bruce,

My understanding is that sanity would be red with this load if run on a virtual env (or if run with vswitch_type = none) due to:


I don’t see results from a virtual env sanity below.



Can you comment on whether the virtual env sanity was attempted or not?






From: Jones, Bruce E []
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 1:00 PM
To: Khalil, Ghada; Zvonar, Bill
Subject: RE: [Starlingx-discuss] [Containers] Sanity Test - ISO 20190619


Ghada, Bill – taking this to email since there is no release meeting today.  This isn’t the Green Sanity we were hoping for, but is it green enough to declare the milestone?


I would support declaring MS-3 based on these results.




From: Perez Ibarra, Maria G []
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 8:33 PM
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] [Containers] Sanity Test - ISO 20190619


Status of the Sanity Test for last CENGN ISO: bootimage.iso from 2019-Jun-19 (link)


Status: YELLOW



Bare Metal environment


    AIO - Simplex:


    Setup                                 03 TCs

    Provision-Containers     01 TCs

    Sanity-OpenStack           49 TCs  

    Sanity-Platform              11 TCs   


    TOTAL:                  64 TCs


    AIO - Duplex:


    Setup                                03 TCs

    Provision-Containers    01 TCs

    Sanity-OpenStack          52 TCs | 13 TCs FAIL 

    Sanity-Platform             09 TCs   


    TOTAL:                  65 TCs


    Standard - Local Storage (2+2):


    Setup                                03 TCs

    Provision-Containers    01 TCs

    Sanity-OpenStack          52 TCs 

    Sanity-Platform             09 TCs 


    TOTAL:                  65 TCs


    Standard - External Storage (2+2+2):

    Setup                                03 TCs

    Provision-Containers    01 TCs 

    Sanity-OpenStack          52 TCs 

    Sanity-Platform             05 TCs  


    TOTAL:                  61 TCs


The issue was that in duplex configuration Volumes could not been created. We’ll investigate more on these problems in the next execution.



Maria G.