Hi Qian,


  >>  systen network list

                  List of all the IP networks across your system. Like your host or pod networks. Basically each network here defines a network type that you would assign to interfaces below. For e.g. you can leverage this to separate networks etc.

  >>  system interface-network list

                  List of interfaces (logical interface names) like OAM/MGMT/CLUSTER on a specifc host. Each interface will be using a specifc network name (from your system network-list). To understand to what physical interface it is mapped on the host you can use with system host-if-list <node uuid/name>

  >>  system datanetwork list

                  List of datanetworks available on the system. Basically a data network type either you want to assign it as flat or vlan etc.

  >>  system interface-datanetwork list

                  List of data interfaces (logical data interface names) on a specific system/host and you can know how they are mapped to the above data networks. To understand to what physical interface it is mapped on the specific host you can use with system host-if-list <node uuid/name>



Venkata Veldanda

From: 钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2019 10:02 AM
To: Ezpeer Chen <ezpeerchen@gmail.com>
Cc: Sun, Austin <austin.sun@intel.com>; starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss]
回复: 回复:回复: openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled


       Hi, Ezpeer


       Thanks very much, however I am very confused with some starlingx network concepts. From the system command, we see,

       systen network list

       system interface-network list

       system datanetwork list

       system interface-datanetwork list


       Could you tell me concepts of these network/datanetwork/interface-network? Or any available materials about the system networks?



发件人:Ezpeer Chen <ezpeerchen@gmail.com>

发送时间:2019111(星期五) 10:40

收件人:钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>

抄 送:"Sun, Austin" <austin.sun@intel.com>; starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>

主 题:Re: [Starlingx-discuss] 回复:回复: openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled


Dear  QianJiang, 


Please reference the document https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Networking .


The document has an example about configuring the flat network.

·        Configure the flat network.







钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com> 2019111 週五 上午10:28寫道:

      Hi, Ezpeer


      I just followed "Install StarlingX Kubernetes on Virtual AIO-SX" (https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r2_release/virtual/aio_simplex_install_kubernetes.html).

      Below pasted from the guide, 

      1). the read one, "physnet0" and "physnet1", should I replace it using real interfaces in host? 

      2). do you have any material about "system datanetwork"



export COMPUTE=controller-0
system host-port-list ${COMPUTE} --nowrap > ${SPL}
system host-if-list -a ${COMPUTE} --nowrap > ${SPIL}
DATA0PCIADDR=$(cat $SPL | grep $DATA0IF |awk '{print $8}')
DATA1PCIADDR=$(cat $SPL | grep $DATA1IF |awk '{print $8}')
DATA0PORTUUID=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA0PCIADDR} | awk '{print $2}')
DATA1PORTUUID=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA1PCIADDR} | awk '{print $2}')
DATA0PORTNAME=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA0PCIADDR} | awk '{print $4}')
DATA1PORTNAME=$(cat  $SPL | grep ${DATA1PCIADDR} | awk '{print $4}')

system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET0} vlan
system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET1} vlan

system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data0 -c data ${COMPUTE} ${DATA0IFUUID}
system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data1 -c data ${COMPUTE} ${DATA1IFUUID}
system interface-datanetwork-assign ${COMPUTE} ${DATA0IFUUID} ${PHYSNET0}
system interface-datanetwork-assign ${COMPUTE} ${DATA1IFUUID} ${PHYSNET1}






发件人:Ezpeer Chen <ezpeerchen@gmail.com>

发送时间:2019111(星期五) 10:10

收件人:钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>

抄 送:"Sun, Austin" <austin.sun@intel.com>; starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>

主 题:Re: [Starlingx-discuss] 回复:回复: openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled


Dear  QianJiang,


Your command is incorrect.



[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-datanetwork-list  controller-0
| hostname     | uuid                                 | ifname    | datanetwork_name |
| controller-0 | 13e47f32-e9a4-4a33-9bc0-63c96e32bfb0 | enp98s0f1 | physnet-pci      |
| controller-0 | 6be1d6c2-01c2-45de-a319-4a6337375f7b | enp3s0    | phy-flat         |
| controller-0 | f4d817b4-97ca-40e2-a1df-7ef8d0640937 | enp98s0f0 | physnet-sriov    |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$




钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com> 20191031 週四 下午7:23寫道:

       Hi, Ezpeer


      I checked and yes, 

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-network-list controller-0
| hostname     | uuid                                 | ifname | network_name |
| controller-0 | 2a17737a-bd4c-40fe-bbe7-163237109ed7 | enp2s1 | oam          |
| controller-0 | 33472810-e1b3-44fa-9a30-cda0d73bc296 | lo     | mgmt         |
| controller-0 | 3ae75daf-b22f-47d9-bc48-5086f700563d | lo     | cluster-host |


      Best Regard



发件人:Ezpeer Chen <ezpeerchen@gmail.com>

发送时间:20191031(星期四) 18:12

收件人:钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>

抄 送:"Sun, Austin" <austin.sun@intel.com>; starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>

主 题:Re: [Starlingx-discuss] 回复:回复: openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled


Dear  ,


Do you do the interface-datanetwork-assign ?


#system interface-datanetwork-assign controller-0  <interface name>  <data-network name>



Reference Doc:







钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com> 20191031 週四 下午5:28寫道:

      Hi, Austin


       I checked, the type_drivers field has no problem. Do you have more ideas?


controller-0:~$ grep type_drivers -r /scratch/apps/stx-openstack/1.0-18-centos-stable-latest/charts/neutron/values.yaml
        type_drivers: flat,vlan,vxlan


       Best Regard



发件人:Sun, Austin <austin.sun@intel.com>

发送时间:20191031(星期四) 16:42

收件人:钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>; starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>

主 题:RE: 回复:[Starlingx-discuss] openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled



Could you double check ?

grep -r type_drivers /scratch/apps/stx-openstack/{app-version}-centos-stable-latest/charts/neutron/values.yaml ?


it comes out like ‘type_drivers: flat,vlan,vxlan’,

if not , you have to use helm command to override to include flat network.



Austin Sun.


From: 钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 4:12 PM
To: Sun, Austin <austin.sun@intel.com>; starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>
回复:[Starlingx-discuss] openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled


       Hi, Austin


       Thanks for your warmhearted.

       Follow your suggestion, but I still get the same issue.


[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system datanetwork-add enp2s1 flat
| Property     | Value                                |
| id           | 3                                    |
| uuid         | 7b999f8b-05fe-4c44-9742-907e4551d9b7 |
| name         | enp2s1                               |
| network_type | flat                                 |
| mtu          | 1500                                 |
| description  | None                                 |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system datanetwork-list
| uuid                                 | name     | network_type | mtu  |
| 7b999f8b-05fe-4c44-9742-907e4551d9b7 | enp2s1   | flat         | 1500 |
| 15eeb861-6910-4254-bb79-847bcbd88ed7 | physnet0 | vlan         | 1500 |
| ad22c935-51a9-4823-9b55-f18df57e5982 | physnet1 | vlan         | 1500 |


controller-0:~$ openstack network create  --share --external   --provider-physical-network provider   --provider-network-type flat provider
Error while executing command: BadRequestException: 400, Invalid input for operation: Flat provider networks are disabled.


When I tried type vlan as following, it directed different issue.


controller-0:~$ openstack network create  --share --external   --provider-physical-network provider   --provider-network-type vlan provider
Error while executing command: BadRequestException: 400, Invalid input for operation: physical_network 'provider' unknown for VLAN provider network.



发件人:Sun, Austin <austin.sun@intel.com>

发送时间:20191031(星期四) 15:23

收件人:钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>; starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>

主 题:Re: [Starlingx-discuss] openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled


Hi QianJiang:

The default datanetwork in guide is vlan, you should change it to flat before openstack network create.


system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET0} flat



Austin Sun.

From:钱江 <qianjiang@baicells.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 2:42 PM
To: starlingx-discuss <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] openstack network creation failure: Flat provider networks are disabled



Hi, the community


After installation of "Virtual All-in-one Simplex Installation R2.0", everything goes well except,


controller-0:~$ openstack network create  --share --external   --provider-physical-network provider   --provider-network-type flat provider
Error while executing command: BadRequestException: 400, Invalid input for operation: Flat provider networks are disabled.


Could anyone help to point out what's the issue, and how to fix it?


Best Regard




Starlingx-discuss mailing list



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Install StarlingX Kubernetes on Virtual AIO-SX

Install StarlingX Kubernetes on Virtual AIO-SX

Install StarlingX Kubernetes on Virtual AIO-SX

Install StarlingX Kubernetes on Virtual AIO-SX