Agenda/Minutes are posted at: Release meeting agenda / notes July 18 2019 stx.2.0 - Feature Exception Status - Code Removal Stories: 2 reviews left to merge - K8s upversion to 1.5: Expected to merge Friday/Monday - Feature Testing Status - Tracker: - Containers - Total / Pass / Fail / Blocked - Ada - 75 / 57 / 1 / 5 - 97% progress - Numan - 82/58/3/0 - 74% progress - Containers - helm overrides & ironic 12 / 0 / 0 / 0 - Regression Testing Status - Tracker: - Second round of regression is in progress by Ada's team. - Stable / low risk domains are identified and will be tested later as a second priority - Ada's team helping with testing of some additional domains such as: storage - Open issues reported from regression: - Running with ISO 20190712T013000Z - Total / Pass / Fail / Blocked = 415 / 250 / 8 / 34 - Pass rate: 96.8% - Automated Regression - Working on building a report to share with the community - Bugs - Bill is collecting input from the different project leads on the status of the stx.2.0 launchpads - Release Notes - Saul raised this; we should start thinking about what we need here. Discuss in next meeting. stx.3.0 - Milestone-1 - Initial Content List available - - Reviewed list and agreed that it meets MS-1 criteria. Milestone declared - Open Action: Need to determine review bandwidth for stx.3.0 and how the features are prioritized in terms of that review bandwidth - A key input here is having a view of where the code churn is expected for each feature Blueprints for Feature Backlog - Openstack foundation still recommends not using launchpad as the foundation is looking to transition away from LP. However, other teams continue to use LP and there is no time-frame to fully transition off of it - For stx.3.0, we have the list of the features already in the release planning google sheet, so no need to do anything else for that - Bill suggests that we can use a google sheet for feature backlog management as well - The key here is the backlog needs to be groomed and maintained. That's the key issue as opposed to the tool used itself. - Next step is to make sure the TSC team has no big concerns with using a google sheet for the backlog - Once we have agreement, the items discussed in the PTG (which didn't make stx.3.0) can be copied over