
A remote CLI solution has been merged into master and is not available to be used by the community.

The current solution requires users have docker installed on their system (Linux, MacOS and Windows). For windows, CygWin is also a requirement in order to interpret bash scripts.

A tarball containing the remote-cli scripts is published weekly as part of the build that also includes building docker images. You can find the latest published tarball from the cengn build at [0].

Basic steps for using remote-cli:
- download and extract tarball
- download from horizon the RC file for the desider users
- configure kubernetes user for remote access and download generated authentication configuration
- configure remote client with the above information
- use the remote client

For a more detailed description there is a README included in the tarball or at [1].

If you have any questions regarding remote-cli, feel free to email me.

- try to use a remote-cli from the same build date to ensure maximum compatibility
- there is a build script for anyone who wants to package their own remote-cli tarball at [2]


[0]: http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/centos/latest_docker_image_build/outputs/remote-cli/
[1]: https://opendev.org/starlingx/clients/src/branch/master/remote_cli
[2]: https://opendev.org/starlingx/root/src/branch/master/build-tools/build-remote-cli.sh