On 08/14/2018 12:41 AM, Qi, Mingyuan wrote:
I found protobuf 2.5 in centos 7.5 repo, http://vault.centos.org/7.5.1804/os/Source/SPackages/protobuf-2.5.0-8.el7.sr...
I found that as well. Armada wants at least version 3.4.
BTW, armada is running within a container and the dependencies are installed in image build time, why do you need these dependency rpms created? are you going to create an srpm for armada and add it to strarlingx?
As far as I know our build system is unable to run docker commands since it is potentially running within a docker container itself. There are plans to change this but as far as I know the work hasn't yet been done. The Armada "quick start" suggests running Armada in a container for expediency, but if you follow the armada deployment scripts in openstack-helm it installs armada directly on the host. I had indeed been planning on creating RPMs for armada and a few packages it depends on, but I'm reconsidering this given some issues I've run into with armada itself. Chris