Hi all; Here are the notes from the call last week: Release Plan Update (TSC) Options at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HUwbsaSerzFRuvXVB_qvoGdI0Chx1YiiA2WY... Quick review of options Make a call on which option to pursue. TSC reached consensus - on delaying Distributed Cloud and we selected option 2 - as recommended by the release team. Release date will be 8/30/2019. Curtis - Creation of Packet.com infrastructure Special Interest Group Only exist for say 4-6 months as we figure out how we want to use packet A central place to discuss use, requirements, access, infra, ect Once we have standardized our use, disband the SIG as other teams will be using it Weekly meeting Additional Use case ideas community sandbox for potential collaborative troubleshooting PSA - OpenDev infrastructure update happening tomorrow - Gerrit will be down for part of the 8hour maintenance window. This was raised on Community call UTC - 1500 IRC is a good place to reach out if there are issues. ML announcement: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2019-April/004123.html PSA - Release 3 content ideas etherpad is available - feel free to chime in prior to PTG https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-ptg-denver