I'm using starlingX release "stx.2018.10", and "Intel/Skylake-Server-IBRS" as my compute server, trying to create a VM with cpu_model as passthrough but it is giving a error.
No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available. compute-0: (ComputeFilter) host is disabled, reason: disabled by VIM, compute-1: (VCpuModelFilter) Host VCPU model Skylake-Server-IBRS required Passthrough
I checked the starling-Discuss page & found it is fixed with qemu-kvm version:qemu-kvm-ev-3.0.0-0.tis.97
starling-discuss link:
Current qemu-kvm version in my setup:
qemu-img version 2.10.0(qemu-kvm-ev-2.10.0-0.tis.0)
Please let me know how can i upgrade qemu-kvm package in my compute without disturbing much running setup.
Many Thanks,
Himanshu Goyal