Hi, Thanks Thales for providing the below list. @Greg: I think it’s OpenDev repos that folks asked me about. I do not have a list of repos that the community wanted to rename in the past, these discussions don’t always happen on the mailing list to be able to keep track. It would probably be good to get feedback from the project teams if there are any repos that still need renaming, and then get in touch with the OpenDev team to make it happen. Also, if any repos end up with new names, please don’t forget to update the projects.yaml file: https://opendev.org/starlingx/governance/src/branch/master/reference/tsc/pro... Thanks, Ildikó ——— Ildikó Váncsa Director of Community Open Infrastructure Foundation
On Mar 11, 2024, at 12:42, Cervi, Thales Elero <ThalesElero.Cervi@windriver.com> wrote:
Hey Greg and Ildiko,
If this helps, I remember that in the past we discussed about renaming some of the StarlingX repos that have "armada" on its name, since we do not use armada anymore (since stx.8.0). The repos are mainly the ones in which we have our apps and I was able to retrieve from past conversations with Bob the following list with renaming suggestions:
• audit-armada-app => app-audit • cert-manager-armada-app => app-cert-manager • metrics-server-armada-app => app-metrics-server • monitor-armada-app (*) => app-monitor • nginx-ingress-controller-armada-app => app-nginx-ingress-controller • oidc-auth-armada-app => app-oidc-auth • openstack-armada-app => app-openstack • platform-armada-app (**) => app-ceph-storage • portieris-armada-app => app-portieris • ptp-notification-armada-app => app-ptp-notification • rook-ceph => app-rook • SDO-rv-service => app-sdo-rv • snmp-armada-app => app-snmp • vault-armada-app => app-vault
(*) Don’t think monitor-armada-app is maintained anymore. This might actually be able to be removed. Can rename at a minimum. (**) Initial naming was based on the assumption that we would include all platform apps here enabling helm charts as needed. This has proven to be incorrect as each app is its own repo. This contains only the bare-metal ceph application.
Since those are all OpenDev repos, it might be the list that Ildiko was mentioning previously?
Thales. From: Waines, Greg <Greg.Waines@windriver.com> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 8:08 AM To: Ildiko Vancsa <ildiko@openinfra.dev>; StarlingX ML <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io> Subject: RE: Gerrit project rename window
Hey Ildiko,
Do you remember what gerrit project renames we/starlingx wanted in the past ? ( ... to be honest ... I am not sure what we are referring to when we say 'gerrit project names' ? ... you don' t mean opendev repo names do you ? )
-----Original Message----- From: Ildiko Vancsa <ildiko@openinfra.dev> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 12:49 PM To: StarlingX ML <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io> Subject: Gerrit project rename window
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Hi StarlingX community,
I got a heads up from the OpenDev team that they are looking to Do gerrit project renames after the next OpenStack release and after the vPTG, around April 19.
There were requests from this community before to do renames, but that didn’t happen at the time of the request. Are these Gerrit projects still in need to be renamed? If so, would the above timeframe work for the community?
Best Regards, Ildikó
Ildikó Váncsa Director of Community Open Infrastructure Foundation