Agenda and notes - Dec 19th call * This is our last meeting for 2018. Thank you all very much! * Please register for the January community meeting so we can get a count for logistics (meals, etc...):<> * Can/should we move the Multi-OS meeting time (currently 4PM PDT)? * Did not discuss, Bruce to raise on the mailing list * Ceph upgrade - how to resolve the issues the team is hitting? * Work is being managed in the distro.other meeting, please help if you can! * We held our first distro.openstack meeting. Thanks to all who attended. * We will be rebasing the system to OpenStack master without patches. In a branch. Not until late Jan at the earliest. Will be exciting * Planning and lots of work for addressing the key features highlighted by Brent is in progress. * Re-tagging launchpads and story boards -- from stx.2019.03 to stx.2019.05. Any concerns? * Release team (Bruce, Ghada) to meet and put a naming/tagging proposal together * OpenStack Days UK is interested in StarlingX * Denver Summit CFP is out! * Next steps for Release Planning * TSC List of Priority Features Defined: * In early January (before Chandler meeting), define the PL for each feature item. Each PL updates the plan. ? Ghada to come up with format (ethercalc / google sheet?) ? Many of the features on the list span multiple team. Agreed to having a Single Contact Person per feature * Responsible for organizing the feature, managing the plan and bringing the involved teams together as needed