15 Sep
15 Sep
7:31 a.m.
Hi Danishka – StarlingX exposes the endpoints on the OAM network only. Thanks, Bill... From: open infra <openinfradn@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 6:30 AM To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Exposing keystone public endpoint [Please note: This e-mail is from an EXTERNAL e-mail address] Hi, Is it possible to expose keystone endpoint to different network? For example, OAM network or Data Network? http://keystone.openstack.svc.cluster.local:80/v3/auth/tokens<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/keystone.openstack.svc.cluster.local:80/v3/auth/tokens__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!NmtmxFQANS9JzS_ENnvfwkqSLZzuODCBQcccPi_DixlClB1l1haWVBnmq1Z8-UmJE7hr$> Regards Danishka