Thanks a lot Yong, PCI - Nic has been created.

Himanshu Goyal

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 5:13 PM Hu, Yong <> wrote:

Hi Himanshu,

If I remember correctly, this network won’t be active until is actually being used by the VMs.

So, you can go on.


In addition, the following 2 steps are important, FYI.


# create a port for PCI-Passthrough

# net-testpci is supported by “providenet-b”

openstack port create --network net-testpci --vnic-type direct-physical pt_port


# create VM by specifying the network with which the pt_port is attached.

openstack server create --flavor <flavor_name> --image <vm_image_name> --nic net-id=net-testpci pcipt_vm






From: Himanshu Goyal <>
Date: Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 3:44 PM
To: "Hu, Yong" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] PCI - Passthrough Interafce on VM


Thanks Yong,


PCI Network has been created after given commands,

But In GUI it  shows as status DOWN, tried with compute lock & unlock also.




Please suggest which logs we can check.



Himanshu Goyal


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 10:58 AM Hu, Yong <> wrote:

On step #2, “--type” should be “vlan”.


On step #3, “-nt”  option was removed for a while, you might use “-c” (meaning “The class of the interface”), as follows:


$ system host-if-modify -c pci-passthrough -p providernet-b compute-0 ens513f1


Using “Horizon” is another convenient way to perform these operations.




From: Himanshu Goyal <>
Date: Tuesday, 29 January 2019 at 1:14 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] PCI - Passthrough Interafce on VM




I built a setup with controller & compute machine. Able to spawn VM with flat network, But I need one PCI-Passthrough interface also on VM.

Please suggest the steps to create vm with PCI-Passthrough NIC.


Currently I'm following the below steps for creating pci-passthrough network:


Step1: system host-lock compute-0

step2: neutron providernet-create pci_net --type flat

step3: system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n pci_0 -p "pci_net" -nt pci-passthrough compute-0 ens513f1


step3 is giving wrong command error, can you please provide me the correct commands for the same. or if there is any other way to configure that.



Himanshu Goyal