Meeting notes and agenda for the 4/16 meeting * Shuquan's email: * > These 2 fixes have been backported to stein branch at 4/11. Let's make sure stx stein sync up to the latest stable stein. ? > ? > * Dean is checking our stx-stein.1 branch. Bruce to file a LP and assign to Dean. ? StarlingX bug is ? These reviews merged after 19.0.0.rc2 was tagged and are not in stable/stein. The stx/stein.1 branch as of 15Apr2019 is stable/stein, these are new backports since then, it is prudent to include them, Gerry has already begun testing his stack and may not want to start over at this point (he is working on the release branch). TBD... * Update on stx-stein.1 branch - ready to go. Needs the .gitreview file removed. * Update on backport of Artom's patches - Gerry is working on this, has the code ported to a branch and is testing it. Should merge this week. * Update on other open issues - no updates, Nova community is working on spec reviews * Hack-a-thon in China this week - Ildiko and Alex and 99Cloud team will attend. Should help move things forward.