StarlingX community has felt the lack of an automation framework since the beginning of this project. I am excited to share that we are working on upstreaming the automation framework that Wind River has been using for over three years now. This automation framework is based on PyTest but has been customized by adding Keywords that help test case creation simple and quick for this project. PyTest was chosen as automation framework because of its maintainability, debugability, flexibility and scalability. It has simple syntax and parametrization capability that allows to scale quickly. It possesses strong support for test fixtures and state management via setup/teardown hooks. Test case selection and deselection is fairly easy with the use of Markers. As mentioned earlier, this framework has been in use for over three years. The framework and a set of test cases will become available to community in phases. In the first phase, we will be upstreaming the framework and related keywords. Next phase will include upstreaming the test case. We also plan to create a wiki for helping community members in using this framework and executing automated test cases or writing their own test cases. Stay tuned. Numan.