

** Does anybody know how can I change a MAC Address for a Virtual host node?


Let’s supposed I want to change controller-1 MAC Address from my cluster, please check following steps to identify Virtual host Controller-1 MAC Addr:

1.      [wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-list


| id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |


| 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | degraded     |

| 2  | compute-0    | compute     | locked         | disabled    | offline      |

| 3  | compute-1    | compute     | locked         | disabled    | offline      |

| 4  | controller-1 | controller  | locked         | disabled    | offline      |

| 5  | storage-0    | storage     | locked         | disabled    | offline      |

| 6  | storage-1    | storage     | unlocked       | disabled    | offline      |

2.      Display host show “mgmt_mac” attribute from controller-1

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-show controller-1


| Property            | Value                                                                 |


| action              | none                                                                  |

| administrative      | locked                                                                |

| availability        | offline                                                               |

| bm_ip               | None                                                                  |

| bm_type             | None                                                                  |

| bm_username         | None                                                                  |

| boot_device         | sda                                                                   |

| capabilities        | {u'stor_function': u'monitor', u'Personality': u'Controller-Standby'} |

| config_applied      | 0695bac9-2b2b-4c0d-9c86-aee9ce3bf250                                  |

| config_status       | None                                                                  |

| config_target       | 0695bac9-2b2b-4c0d-9c86-aee9ce3bf250                                  |

| console             | ttyS0,115200                                                          |

| created_at          | 2019-01-23T13:07:55.354151+00:00                                      |

| hostname            | controller-1                                                          |

| id                  | 4                                                                     |

| install_output      | text                                                                  |

| install_state       | completed                                                             |

| install_state_info  | None                                                                  |

| invprovision        | provisioned                                                           |

| location            | {}                                                                    |

| mgmt_ip             |                                                         |

| mgmt_mac            | 52:54:00:2b:56:bf                                                     |

| operational         | disabled                                                              |

| personality         | controller                                                            |

| reserved            | False                                                                 |

| rootfs_device       | sda                                                                   |

| serialid            | None                                                                  |

| software_load       | 18.10                                                                 |

| task                |                                                                       |

| tboot               | false                                                                 |

| ttys_dcd            | None                                                                  |

| updated_at          | 2019-01-24T15:39:05.227227+00:00                                      |

| uptime              | 0                                                                     |

| uuid                | 81edcd37-fbe2-43f0-98fa-a9d8dd975a74                                  |

| vim_progress_status | services-disabled                                                     |



** Is there a way to change the “mgmt_mac = 52:54:00:2b:56:bf”?


Many Thanks!

Fernando Hernandez Gonzalez

Software Engineer


Avenida del Bosque #1001 Col, El Bajío

Zapopan, Jalisco MX, 45019


Office: +   inet 86450134