Task force: Yan Chen, An Ran, Yi Wang
Here is a summary of our today's work on fault project:
1. Created more tasks 10+, https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007082
2. Submitted four patches for review
https://review.opendev.org/702175 : Create test framework for python with stestr.
https://review.opendev.org/702327 : Fix py3 exception error in fm-rest-api/fm/fm/common/timeutils.py
https://review.opendev.org/702347 : Add unit test case for fm-rest-api/fm/fm/common/utils.py
https://review.opendev.org/702362 : Add test cases for fm-rest-api common code
3. On-going work includes database faking, and more test cases
Welcome more people join in this task force.