I download the stx-openstack application’s package from cegen starlingx mirror.
After upload and apply the stx-openstack, I want to apply more applications.
Does other application's package we can use?
Perhaps, I can create one if there is a template that I can refer to.
Could you provide me a template?


[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-list
| application              | version                      | manifest name                     | manifest file                          | status   | progress  |
| cert-manager             | 1.0-6                        | cert-manager-manifest             | certmanager-manifest.yaml              | applied  | completed |
| nginx-ingress-controller | 1.0-0                        | nginx-ingress-controller-manifest | nginx_ingress_controller_manifest.yaml | applied  | completed |
| oidc-auth-apps           | 1.0-28                       | oidc-auth-manifest                | manifest.yaml                          | uploaded | completed |
| platform-integ-apps      | 1.0-10                       | platform-integration-manifest     | manifest.yaml                          | applied  | completed |
| stx-openstack            | 1.0-49-centos-stable-        | armada-manifest                   | stx-openstack.yaml                     | applied  | completed |
|                          | versioned                    |                                   |                                        |          |           |
|                          |                              |                                   |                                        |          |           |