Hi team A few weeks ago I had the curiosity to investigate if there was an rpm repo in CENGN for starling X. Scott was very kind to point me about, thanks a lot Scott. Why this is related to multi-os? RPM repositories are warehouses of RPM package files that are easy to consume to build with upstream tools like mock. mock is a tool for building RPM packages. we can use mock to build packages for many different versions of CentOS/Red Hat and Fedora. After some experiments I was able to build basic packages from fault management using the following methodology: 1) set up mock in my Linux distro ( in my case centos 7.6 ) 2) use the following mock repositories config file to build: https://github.com/starlingx-staging/stx-packaging/blob/master/configs/docke... 3) build as: srpm : mock -r $(MOCK_CONFIG) --buildsrpm --spec=$(SPEC) --sources=$(SOURCES) --resultdir $(RES_DIR) --define="tis_patch_ver $(TIS_PATCH_VER)" rpm : mock -r $(MOCK_CONFIG) --rebuild $(SRPM) --resultdir $(RES_DIR) --define="tis_patch_ver $(TIS_PATCH_VER)" ( the variables point to the location of my spec file and source tar.gz files, the MOCK_CONFIG points to the path of my local-centos-7-x86_64.cfg file ) In the end, it works pretty straight forward, proving the following points from this experiment ( hopefully useful for someone else ) : a) If we use the CENGN repos ( plus the centos repo ) is possible to build an RPM w/o the need to download the mirror. Great job Scott and build team! b) Is possible to use alternative upstream tools to build a single RPM w/o the need to rebuild the build dependencies. Now a few questions came to me : a ) Are these CENGN repos in active use, I mean, are they updated with a new ISO or every time a developer merge a commit in master? b) After trying to build all the packages in fault management I found that: * the source files directories are not standard ( I know Erich is working on this ) * there are missing BuildRequires in the current centos spec files ( they build due to the specific architecture that builds system has to handle/install the build req in a parallel build ) In the aim of improving the project to some other members of the community use different tools to build different layers of the OS. I was wonder how valuable the community see the task of adding the proper BuildRequires in all the flock spec files that have missing ones. I create a launchpad and a patch for the missing build req I found in fm-rest-api: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/657869/ Any feedback from the community more than welcome Regards Victor Rodriguez