Hi Sai – thanks for following up on this in the new year and for all your ongoing efforts on this! I have the content staged to be added to the documentation (https://review.opendev.org/#/c/692202/). Final review and merging of the content is pending resolution of image hosting/being able to build the qcow2 image from scratch on our servers. We still have some open questions about building the qcow2 image from scratch. In order for us to move this ahead as quickly as possible, I suggest we meet (via a call) and discuss real-time the specific steps to create the image and any remaining questions from our side. I’ll email you directly to set up a time to meet. Cheers, Kris From: Saichandu Behara <saichandu.behara@calsoftinc.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 3:44 AM To: Bill.Zvonar@windriver.com; starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io; Dale, Kristal <kristal.dale@intel.com> Subject: Re: Any update on Calsoft's Images/ Doc ++ Kristal On 08-01-2020 14:51, Saichandu Behara wrote: Hi We have shared the StarlingX_all-in-one_Edgex_with_Openstack Images and doc. can you please provide any latest update on this. link: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2019-November/007064.h... Please let us know, If you have any doubt regarding the same. -- Thanks & Regards Sai Chandu Behara -- Thanks & Regards Sai Chandu Behara