I would like to call the attention of the community to the discussion that happened in today’s TSC meeting regarding Core Reviewers for the project. 


See https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/stx-cores for Greg’s notes on the topic.  I note that he was kind enough to take most of the actions on this topic, but Ildiko also asked me to raise the topic in the community.  So here goes…


The StarlingX developer documents [1] currently state that two +2 code reviews from Core Reviewers are required for code to be merged with a WF+1.


However, many of the Core Reviewers currently listed in Gerrit are no longer active in the community.  And meanwhile the volume of code submissions to the project has been increasing, placing more work on fewer Core Reviewers.


There are several different actions the community could take to address this issue, and I’m going to highlight two of them here, that are quite easy to implement, and raise them as proposals for the TSC and community to consider:


  1. We need more Core Reviewers.  If you are an active member of this community and have confidence in your knowledge of the code in one or more parts of the system, please volunteer to be a new Core Reviewer by posting on this mailing list.  The other Cores will be very grateful.
  2. I would like to ask the TSC and the community to consider a softening of the current guidance, for the short term.  My suggestion is “At the discretion of a Core Reviewer, code reviews can be merged with just their own (single) +2”.


Thank you very much for your consideration of these proposals.




[1] https://docs.starlingx.io/developer_resources/code-submission-guide.html#id2