Hi all,

I have tried deploying Starlinx 3.0 virtual All-in-one Simplex.

I’m following https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r3_release/virtual/aio_simplex_environ.html .

While doing  Host Set-up,  4th step which is

4. Get the StarlingX ISO from the CENGN StarlingX mirror. Alternately, you can use an ISO from a private StarlingX build.

I get as below .



Can anyone make me understand, what each of the folder stands for?. Also, as a first timer which folder I need to go and download the ISO.?

I have tried 3.0.0 under release, but ended up with issues. Should there be a direct link to output folder when I select Get the StarlingX ISO from the CENGN StarlingX mirror?


