Hi everyone, I reread the Governance document[1] and found an inconsistency we'll likely want to address before the initial TSC formally blesses it: In "Technical Steering Committee":
It will be comprised of 7 members who will be appointed at Launch but fully elected by the Contributors within the first year
In April 2020, the remaining 4 seats are up for election
"appointed at Launch" is a bit vague, I would use "initially appointed" (which would start the clock to when the TSC is fully formed). But more importantly, "fully elected by the Contributors within the first year" is at odds with still having appointed members around in March, 2020. The date or the period needs to be adjusted to match. We'll also likely want to clarify initial terms for the non-WR and non-Intel initial TSC members. One option is to appoint one of them with a short term, and the other two with long terms. Another option would be to randomly select the short one (like for the WR and Intel initially-appointed seats) Finally, I would suggest saying that if somone steps down from their TSC seat, their seat should automatically be up for election at the next round. So imagine someone that is initially appointed for a year, stepping down after 4 months: their seat would be up for reelection, which would make the first election determine 4 seats instead of just 3. That will facilitate keeping an active TSC with a limited number of stale members. That level of subtlety could be conveyed through a separate document that details the corner cases of the election process, if you find it too distracting for the Governance document. [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Initial_Governance -- Thierry Carrez (ttx)