On 2021-10-06 23:25:40 +0000 (+0000), Camp, MaryX wrote: [...]
Theme issues with Heading1 in index files. This one is OK: https://docs.starlingx.io/node_management/index.html But these are not: https://docs.starlingx.io/node_management/kubernetes/index.html and https://docs.starlingx.io/node_management/openstack/index.html Maybe that's a clue?
It seems like the recent theme updates to fix the double heading may be causing this? Confirmed that the headings are in the HTML. For example: <h1>Manual software updates<a class="headerlink" href="#manual-software-updates" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
Probably need help from Jeremy or someone on the theme team to help fix this for the long-term. Openstack theme version - if we roll it back, then we get the double-headings back again. Not a great plan. One workaround would be to add Ron's Python script to the STX tox to fix it in post-processing. Ron will look and see if there is more of a pattern to figure out a workaround.
I'm missing some context here, but after comparing your examples I think what you're saying is that the problem examples show more than one H1 level heading, rather than making the subheadings H2 level. Is that an accurate summary?
Zuul is having issues. Juanita has a review number for us to look at. [...]
I'm also happy to look at any Zuul problems, if you need a fresh pair of eyes. A recap of what these issues are would be cool. -- Jeremy Stanley