Build team meeting 11/29/2018
Saul, Ken, Scott, Jason, Chuy, Victor, Memo, Marcela, Mario, Abraham, Eric, Cesar
- Cengn Artifact and ISO files generation cadence
- Cengn tooling required
- Golang implementations
- Opens
Cengn Artifact and ISO files generation cadence
We stablished a daily cadence for generation of ISO files, Ken will take the AR to get the validation team involved to run sanity test on daily builds at Cengn. Also there is
a need to generate a dashboard to monitor the health of ISO files being generated, whether they pass or not testing or the bugs associated to any given ISO file.
We made the following decisions
- StarlingX build team will retain ISO files for 14 days
- we will also retain the build artifacts like the installer for only 7 days
We still have pending the tooling for cleaning the files and the update of the wiki/documentation on this topic and we are discussing if there is a necessity to have some kind
of a landing page along with the dashboard to have the availability of ISO files in a more user friendly manner
Q. Do we need to freeze some ISO files that are bound to a big release or an specific milestone? What’s the retention policy for that?
We agreed to flush out the milestone/release process and what to expect out of that, as well as figuring out the retention
AR. Saul. Saul will investigate with Dean about this Milestone/Release and write an spec regarding this.
Q. what’s a good retention time for monthly builds?
We talked about to retrain those specific ISO files between 3 to 6 months
Cengn tooling required
Not a lot required right now, Scott will ask for help as he believe is necessary
Golang implementation
We decided to go for option number 3 [1] while we figure out the best approach by benchmarking what other distribution are doing with their own implementation of GO language
Q. Do we need to update the centos installer to 7.5 or go directly to centos 7.6 installer
We decided to go after the 7.6 directly, VictorR assured that 7.5 will not work
AR. Victor to send a follow up email to let the team know the why.
We had a brief demo of Linux builder tool, this tool will allow us to generate different ISO files based on RPMs/Deb repositories and create working versions of modified OS with
our customizations on those. This tool is one if the many pieces we need in place for MultiOS efforts. Kudos to Chuy for preparing the demo.
AR. Chuy to send a follow-up email with location of Linux builder code for exploration.
Cesar Lara
Software Engineering Manager
OpenSource Technology Center