This week’s agenda:
Agenda for August 19 meeting:
1. stx2.0 gating bugs (27, down from 28 one week ago)
    a) Application apply issues:
        - Review timeline and findings for  [Bob]
        - 1837750 stx-application re-apply strategy requires some changes [Tyler]
        - 1837792 stx-openstack application apply aborted [Angie]
        - 1839696 Multiple Local registry: 500 Server Error cause application-apply errors [Abraham/Christopher]
        - 1840031 [Ironic] Cannot do a re-apply on ironic node deployment [Mingyuan]
        - Others:
    b) Performance/recovery time issues:
       1837426 Very high platform CPU usage on AIO-DX active controller with stx-openstack installed [Al Bailey/Gerry Kopec]
           - No single root cause
           - Running in steady state, cpu 0&1 are running 80-90% range leading to high load average; lots of processes and threads, none that are cpu hogs on their own
           - Experimented with liveness probes where all turned off: saw dramatic drop in cpu usage down to 40-50% range
       1834796 AIO: Too many rabbit threads  [Bin Yang]
       1838411 Uncontrolled swact on standard system is slow [Bart Wensley]
       1829931 AIO-DX: hypervisor is not up in 5 mins after unlocked standby controller becomes available [Bart Wensley]
           - Dependency on 1837426 being addressed 1st
    c) Other higher priority issues:
       1817936 Periodic message loss seen between VIM and OpenStack REST APIs [Austin Sun]
       1837686 Openstack commands hold prompt > 30 seconds [Tao Liu]
2. Collect tool enhancements for containers debug:
    - Initial ideas were captured here:
    - Additional info required in collect?
Timeslot:  11am EST / 8am PDT / 1600 UTC
Call details
Agenda and meeting minutes
Project notes are at
Containerization subproject wiki: