Re-sending as the original outlook meeting cancelation is held up due to “awaits moderator approval”. 
FYI: For people who accept a meeting invite to starlingx-discuss, Outlook adds them to the cc list which then causes the “Too many recipients to the message” error when updating the original meeting invite.
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Miller, Frank
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2019 9:04 PM
To:; Liu, Tao; Kung, John
Cc: 'Armstrong, Robert H'; 'Jones, Bruce E'; Mihai, Irina; Church, Robert; Rowsell, Brent; Seiler, Glenn; Chen, Jacky; Smith, Tyler; 'An, Ran1'; 'Lara, Cesar'; 'Martinez Monroy, Elio'; 'Hu, Wei W'; 'Xie, Cindy'; Wensley, Barton; Eslimi, Dariush; 'Carlos Cebrian'; Young, Ken; Friesen, Chris; 'Botello Ortega, Luis'; Hellmann, Gil; Waines, Greg; 'Arce Moreno, Abraham'; Komiyama, Takeo; Nasir, Shoaib; 'Ponce Castaneda, Guillermo A'; 'Alonso, Juan Carlos'; 'Lemus Contreras, Cristopher J'; Rasa, Nimalini; 'Shuquan Huang'; Poncea, Ovidiu
Subject: Canceled: StarlingX Infrastructure Containerization
When: Monday, March 25, 2019 11:00 AM-11:30 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Importance: High
Folks – apologies but I need to cancel the Containerization meeting planned for March 25th.  If you have any concerns or topics you wanted to raise at the Containerization meeting please email and I’ll look for an opportunity to respond on Tuesday or later in the week,  Thank-you.
For those contributing to or interested in the Containerization subproject a weekly meeting has been set up:
Timeslot:  11am EST / 8am PDT / 1600 UTC
Call details
Agenda and meeting minutes
Project notes are at
Containerization subproject wiki: