Agenda & Notes for 4/17 meeting: - Ceph upgrade status 1. patch review status (Daniel) patch merge is waiting for the testing confirmation before it can be workflow +1. Dean question: do we need to generate the code again or not? Daniel: is there any chance to do Ceph upgrade again, the answer is no. So the current solution is OK because we are not going to regenerate the code again. Daniel will maintaine the code in case there is any change required. Due to the fact that we are going to containerize Ceph, the code will not be required. 2. Ceph dev build validation status (Fernando) in the middle of 2+2+2 install, I am at the point where all the nodes have personality and are online but Storage-1 was never online Sanity + P1 test cases for pre-merge identified, under review. Expect to have 3 days. Trending to have test results for the 1st ISO by Friday. Tingjie to work w/ Fernando for the Ceph specific test cases in parallel. - QAT driver upgrade 1. QAT driver status (Haitao) Enable QAT 4.5 driver on CentOS 7.6; next step is to integrate the RPM onto StarlingX. CWs are back to ODC and working on environment setup. VF on CentOS 7.6 is loading. passing QATZip testing. 2. test plan prepration (Ricardo) Ricardo is reviewing the cases provided by Numan and working on prioritizing the cases. M3: 4/15: test ISO provided to Ricardo (Haitao) has been delayed. Haitao: to provide a new estimate date - trending end of April. - Opens (all) - Libvirt/qemu patch removal: SB#2005212 (Jim Somerville) - Pre-submission testing by Numan's team has been successful - Jim is getting ready to send out the Pull Requests to Dean/Saul and proceed with submission - Code is expected to merge by April 26, so we are two weeks ahead of schedule Concern on open development of doing the work offline and deliver the "done work" afterwards. -----Original Message----- From: Xie, Cindy Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:08 PM To: Cc: Wold, Saul <>; Rowsell, Brent <>; 'Badea, Daniel' <>; Hernandez Gonzalez, Fernando <>; Wang, Hai Tao <>; Perez, Ricardo O <>; Chen, Tingjie <>; Hu, Yong <> Subject: Agenda: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting, 4/17 Agena for 4/17 meeting: - Ceph upgrade status 1. patch review status (Daniel) 2. Ceph dev build validation status (Fernando) - QAT driver upgrade 1. QAT driver status (Haitao) 2. test plan prepration (Ricardo) - Opens (all) -----Original Appointment----- From: Xie, Cindy Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 2:27 PM To: Xie, Cindy; Waheed, Numan; Hu, Yong;; Liu, ZhipengS; Shang, Dehao; Wold, Saul; Lin, Shuicheng; Zhu, Vivian; Somerville, Jim; Sun, Austin; 'Khalil, Ghada'; Jones, Bruce E; Troyer, Dean; 'Rowsell, Brent' Cc: 'Poncea, Ovidiu'; Gomez, Juan P; Lara, Cesar; Fang, Liang A; Cobbley, David A; 'Chen, Jacky'; Perez Rodriguez, Humberto I; Martinez Monroy, Elio; 'Seiler, Glenn'; Arce Moreno, Abraham; 'Waines, Greg'; 'Eslimi, Dariush'; 'Hellmann, Gil'; Shuquan Huang; 'Young, Ken'; Perez Carranza, Jose; Hu, Wei W; Martinez Landa, Hayde; Armstrong, Robert H Subject: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting When: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 6:00 AM-7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). Where: . Cadence and time slot: o Wednesday 9AM Winter EDT (10PM China time, US PDT Winter time 6AM) . Call Details: o Zoom link: o Dialing in from phone: o Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 o Meeting ID: 342 730 236 o International numbers available: . Meeting Agenda and Minutes: o