Release team:


At the Ottawa meeting last week, we agreed to change the release cadence from 4/year to 3/year.  Instead of releases in Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 we’d move to March, July and November.  We also agreed to change the plan from doing two releases in 2018 (August and November) to doing one release in October. 


Assuming we continue with our current practice of a code freeze in the 2nd week of the month before the release, and target the release to the 2nd week of the month, we’d end up with the dates below. 


Is this OK with everyone?







Release stx.2018.10 code freeze

Sep 12

Release stx.2018.10

Oct 10

OpenStack Berlin

Nov 7

Release stx.2019.03 code freeze

Feb 13

Release stx.2019.03

Mar 13