On 2020-02-24 08:08 AM, Ward, Martin wrote:

Hi all,


Trying to install a simplex server and I’m running in to LDAP issues.


Specifically the fact that it seems to be timing out trying to connect to the server itself.  This can be seen when I run “sudo bash”, which eventually reports “Can’t contact LDAP server” and authenticates me against the passwd file.


slapd is definitely not running on start up. I can run “systemctl start slapd” and then see it running, but I still get this timeout error.


I could remove ldap from the nsswitch.conf file but I don’t know how that will break the StarlingX insallation.

In a successful deployment, a ldap "admin" user is created. (not in OS users files). But I don't think this user is used by any services. So I would think it won't break anything if it's removed.



Any thought or suggestions?




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