Sorry for late reply, I’m just back from some family affairs.


Thanks for your suggestion, I will update the wiki and etherpad.





From: Jones, Bruce E
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 06:32
To: Ramirez, Eddie <>; Chen, Yan <>
Subject: RE: [Starlingx-discuss] Python 2to3 code porting


Thanks for getting started on this.


I’m setting up formal sub-projects and giving each its own wiki page.  I’ve started one for this sub-project:  It links to the Etherpad below.


Eddie and Yan – can you please update that wiki page so it captures the info in this email thread?


And meanwhile, while we thank you both for looking at this, this is not the highest priority work right now, and there are some very big work items hiding under the covers of this one.  Please focus on tasks higher on the project's priority list.




From: Ramirez, Eddie []
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] Python 2to3 code porting




I created this list, I hope it can help us to track those packages as we make more discoveries.


From: "Ramirez, Eddie" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 9:52 AM
To: Scott Little <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] Python 2to3 code porting




We would need to add cgtsclient to the list. I will confirm with other TiS packages today as Horizon uses packages like: cgtsclient, cgcs_patch, sysinv, tsconfig and mfclient…


From: Scott Little <>
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 7:23 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] Python 2to3 code porting


Agreed.  We need the code restructuring and a working build before starting this task.


On 18-07-24 07:22 AM, Rowsell, Brent wrote:

The priority of this needs to be discussed at the next architecture meeting.

With all  current churn and lack of a working build, this activity in my opinion needs to wait.




From: Chen, Yan []
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 12:38 AM
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Python 2to3 code porting


Hi, there,

I just wonder if anyone is already working on this task now?

I created a story days ago, and studied most of our Python code and the python rpms in the system.

Here’s the conclusions:

  1. Most of the Tis dependency python packages are already Python 2/3 compatible, but still some exceptions:
    1. The following packages are Python2 only and same for the latest code tree:

                                                                        i.     createrepo-0.9.9 (used by cgcs-patch-controller)

                                                                       ii.     net-snmp-5.7.2 (used by snmp-audittrail)

                                                                      iii.     pyparted-3.9 (used by sysinv)

    1. The following packages are Python 2 but the latest version has Python 3 support, need upgrade:

                                                                        i.     python-daemon-1.6 (used by logmgmt)

             * This analysis is still on-going, more packages may be found.

  1. The Python modules for Python 2/3 compatibility (python-futures and python-six) are already included.
  2. Some of the openstack packages/dependencies are Python 2 only, we may need to find a good version of Openstack to upgrade.


We can start to clean our code first, I think we follow the guideline here, one topic each time, how do you think?


Here’s the link for the story:!/story/2002909






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