Agenda/Minutes are posted at: stx.4.0 - StarlingX has been confirmed as an openstack project. Yay! Congratulations everyone! - Feature Status: - Feature Checkpoints: - Openstack Rebase to Ussuri - Test build failed, appears to be a package dependency issue - Need to have this resolved before allowing the code to be merged - Need to wait for the MS3 declaration until - Longer Term Discussion: How do we make rebasing to the openstack release easier and more predictable? - Some ideas: - Increase our LAG after openstack by more than 6wks - Track master right away as opposed to wait for an integration when the openstack release is available - this was discussed before. why didn't we proceed with this at the beginning of stx.4.0? stability concerns? - May want to do that for the containerized services, but keep the platform pieces on a stable release - Get input from the Ussuri team on their suggestions on how to make this more predictable - Send thread to the mailing list and an etherpad to solicit input from the community members - Action: Ghada before next community meeting - June - Agreed to have a recommendation before setting the milestone dates for stx.5.0 - Kubernetes Component Upversion - helm v3 - Merging currently; should be in by EOW - B&R - Dev Complete. Only bugs remain; tracked under LPs. - System Upgrades - Dev Complete. All foundational code is in. Fixing bugs based on testing. - Flock Versioning - Agreed to defer to stx.5.0; will target to do early in the next release