Hi scott I read this doc https://opendev.org/starlingx/docs/src/branch/master/doc/source/developer_re... To build starling image, must build base image firstly? Is there any image on dock hub, I could pull and set as base in this command OS=centos BUILD_STREAM=stable BRANCH=master CENTOS_BASE=starlingx/stx-centos:${BRANCH}-${BUILD_STREAM}-latest WHEELS=http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/centos/latest_docker_image_build/outputs/wheels//stx-centos-${BUILD_STREAM}-wheels.tar DOCKER_USER=${USER} DOCKER_REGISTRY= # Some private registry you've setup for your testing, for example time $MY_REPO/build-tools/build-docker-images/build-stx-images.sh \ --os centos \ --stream ${BUILD_STREAM} \ --base ${CENTOS_BASE} \ --wheels ${WHEELS} \ --user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \ --push --latest \ --clean Thanks! Martin, Chen IOTG, Software Engineer 021-61164330