Hello all, This email announces that the stx.9.0 Release milestone has been achieved as of April 9, 2024. StarlingX release 9.0 is officially delivered. The ISO/build and openstack artifacts are available at: https://mirror.starlingx.windriver.com/mirror/starlingx/release/9.0.0/debian... https://mirror.starlingx.windriver.com/mirror/starlingx/release/9.0.0/debian... Release documentation is on starlingx.io at: https://docs.starlingx.io/r/stx.9.0/ Please see further details sent by Scott Little here: https://lists.starlingx.io/archives/list/starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.i... Thank you to everyone in the Community - development, test and documentation - for all of your hard work in delivering this release. Congratulations everyone! Regards, Ghada On behalf of the StarlingX Release team