I have made an executive decision as to how we should use the Storyboard tool.  After discussing the matter with Ghada and our OpenStack Foundation team, I have documented our Tag and Prefix policy[0] on the wiki, in the section called “Story and Bug Tracking” [1].  I’m doing this because Reasons [2].


Here is a summary of the policy.


All Stories in the Storyboard tool shall have Tags.  If you create a new Story, make sure to add the tag “stx.new”.  We can then query this story and assign it to a sub-project and a release.  If you don’t tag it that way, we may never find it again.   Assigning Stories to releases is a process that I think should be driven by the Cores together with the Release team.  That is TBD.


If you are filing a bug, please also add the “stx.bug” tag.  I have updated all of the currently entered bugs with that tag.  If you are filing a Story for a feature, please add the “stx.feature” tag.  I’m going to update the existing feature stories to add that tag soon.


I’d like to break down planning for the project into a set of Sub-projects.  Each will have its own tag so the team working on that Sub-project can manage their work items.  I’ll be adding those tags soon as well.


Should a team decide to add additional tags to Stories,  for example so they can build a Board in Storyboard for their work, feel free, but please update the document on the wiki [0].


Note that as far as I can tell, each tag needs to be entered one at a time in the web UI.




[0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Tags_and_Prefixes

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX#Story_and_Bug_Tracking

[2] We need to assign issues to sub-projects and releases, and keep track of bugs and features separately to simplify doing bug scrubs and release planning.  Tags are easily searchable and don’t clutter up the text fields.  Using queries instead of Worklists or Boards gives us both flexibility and reliability.