Thanks Frank – seems like Daniel is still the guy working on that, and I will let you to track that in containerization sub-project.


Thx. - cindy


From: Miller, Frank []
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 4:53 AM
To: Xie, Cindy <>;
Subject: RE: [Starlingx-discuss] Notes: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting, 3/27




Apologies for the delay but you can close my AR for "create a separate task under a container SB for adding support of multiple CEPH tiers":

I created task 30351 under the HELM SB 2003909




-----Original Message-----
From: Xie, Cindy []
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 9:54 AM
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Notes: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting, 3/27


Agenda & Notes for 3/27 meeting:

- Ceph upgrade update (Ovidiu/Daniel, Tingjie/Yong)

    1. Feature developed (2+2+2 work as expected) - 3/8 (Done as of 3/13)

    common code base:

    1.1 mon_max_pg_per_osd needs to be increased - done w/ PR submitted (updated max pg per osd to 2048)

    1.2  prevent rados-gw being started by system- issue solved (PR?)


    2. Rebase to master w/ container & CentOS7.6 - 3/15 (Done as of 3/20)

    both Intel & WR built & deploy successfully on AIO-SX/DX and multi-nodes (2+2+2).

    ISO provided to Ada/Ricardo - AR: Yong to provide the test ISO to Ricardo for engineering testing dry-run.

    Node re-install the storage/computer node is one of the test cases we should done, AR: Yong follow-up w/ Daniel to make sure re-install controller/compute/storage nodes.

    mimic release notes review - AR: Daniel/Tingjie work together to review the release notes from mimic and understand the changes.


    3. Code ready for review - 3/20 (actual?)

    Squashing the commits - Daniel WIP

    Daniel is working on debugging the mimic support in Openstack helm to provide support multiple-tiers of functional support. AR: Frank to treate a seperate task under container SB to track the debug tasks.

    Patch submitted against master - ETA (Daniel - 4/1 to upload; Changcheng - abandon all the patches on old-feature-branch & master)

    Rebase starlingx-staging/stx-ceph/tree/stx/v13.2.2 (Changcheng/Dean) - ETA (Changcheng - 4/1)

    2 options:

        option#1 - Dean to remove patches on stx-ceph on starlingx-staging, then cherry-pick your patches to the staging; Clean git history.

        option#2 - Changcheng refactor all patches to latest code on starling-staging.

        agreed to do Option#1: Dean to delete the stx/v13.2.2 branch and create a new fresh one from upstream, then Changcheng will do PR on top of new branch.

    Goal is to generate dev build from master with the pending reviews and rebased stx-Ceph (4/2)


    4. System testing - 3/20 ~ 4/5 (actual?)

    Test case in discussion:

    The official test cycle with master build next Tuesday (4/2)


    5. Patch merge (Ovidiu/Daniel) - 4/5 (actual?) - trending at least 2 wks delay. 4/19


- DevStack update (Dean/Yi)

    1. stx-metal: one final review pending (

    2. stx-fault: one review pending (

    Martin will submit another patch against fault.

    3. stx-ha: WIP (Shuicheng to provide update)

    Shuicheng: enabled the ha services running, still checking the status correctness. More debug/testing required before the patch can be upload.

         ETA: patch upload by next week (4/5)

    4. Story#2005285 added to finalize Devstack job structure: Rename/relocate the base StarlingX DevStack job to stx-integ (the least-worst existing home) and make all jobs voting and run on more than just devstack/* files.

    restructure devstack job definition, moved the base task from stx-fault to stx-integ. change to ha and fault still open. Once the review merged, Devstack will be configured as Zuul voting.

    Question from Frank: how difficult it is for devs to understand the debug message from Zuul job failure? Devs will debug the issue but if any questions sending to the mailing list for help.


- Opens (all)




-----Original Appointment-----

From: Xie, Cindy

Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 2:27 PM

To: Xie, Cindy; Waheed, Numan; Hu, Yong;; Liu, ZhipengS; Shang, Dehao; Wold, Saul; Lin, Shuicheng; Zhu, Vivian; Somerville, Jim; Sun, Austin; 'Khalil, Ghada'; Jones, Bruce E; Troyer, Dean; 'Rowsell, Brent'

Cc: 'Poncea, Ovidiu'; Gomez, Juan P; Lara, Cesar; Fang, Liang A; Cobbley, David A; 'Chen, Jacky'; Perez Rodriguez, Humberto I; Martinez Monroy, Elio; 'Seiler, Glenn'; Arce Moreno, Abraham; 'Waines, Greg'; 'Eslimi, Dariush'; 'Hellmann, Gil'; Shuquan Huang; 'Young, Ken'; Perez Carranza, Jose; Hu, Wei W; Martinez Landa, Hayde; Armstrong, Robert H

Subject: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack Distro meeting

When: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6:00 AM-7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).




. Cadence and time slot:

o Wednesday 9AM Winter EDT (10PM China time, US PDT Winter time 6AM)

. Call Details:

o Zoom link:

o Dialing in from phone:

o Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923

o Meeting ID: 342 730 236

o International numbers available:

. Meeting Agenda and Minutes:





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