Status of the Sanity Test for last CENGN ISO: bootimage.iso from 2019-Mar-14 (link)


Status : YELLOW



Virtual environment





Setup                 04 TCs [PASS]

Provision-Containers  01 TCs [PASS]

Sanity-OpenStack      49 TCs [PASS]

Sanity-Platform       07 TCs [PASS]


TOTAL:               [61 TCs PASS]





Setup                 04 TCs [PASS]

Provision-Containers  01 TCs [PASS]

Sanity-OpenStack      52 TCs [PASS] | 8 TCs [FAIL]

Sanity-Platform       05 TCs [PASS]


TOTAL: 62 TCs         [54 PASS | 8-FAIL]



Bare Metal environment





Setup                 Manual

Provision-Containers  01 TCs [PASS]

Sanity-OpenStack      49 TCs [PASS]

Sanity-Platform       07 TCs [PASS]


TOTAL:                [57 TCs PASS]





Setup                 Manual

Provision-Containers  01 TCs [PASS]

Sanity-OpenStack      52 TCs [PASS]

Sanity-Platform       05 TCs [PASS] | 2 TCs [FAIL]


TOTAL: 58 TCs         [56-PASS | 2-FAIL]



Several issue were found during application-apply process. Most likely to be related with external networking. Will confirm in next build.



This is the list of test cases executed:



Maria G.