Minutes from the OpenStack Distro team call
May 09, 2023
- Build Issues:
- Last Successful Execution: Tue Apr 11 12:39:12 UTC 2023 - Overall status: YELLOW
Sanity - Passed: 15 (100.00%) | Failed: 0 (0.0%)
Regression - Passed: 11 (91.67%) | Failed: 1 (8.33%)
- Last Tried Execution: 05/09/23
- StarlingX 9.0 Release:
Feature Test Forecasted to: 08/16/2023
We WILL NOT be able to fit the OpenStack upversion inside this timeframe!!
Made the community aware or TSC/Community Call (04/26/2023)
Created Storyboard/Tasks for OpenStack upversion:
- TODO: Fill the StarlingX Release Plan 9.0 Spreadsheet @Doug/Thales (to be done by 05/11/2023)
- Migration to OVN?
There are no current plans
If the community have this requirement, a proper storyboard/tasks should be created for a new feature
- Unified networking between containers/VMs: clarify the work needed with the Networking team
Currently OpenStack is completely separate from k8s, correct.
- There is no IP sharing/communication between Pods and VMs
- VMs will be communicating over the data networks (separate interfaces).
So, for this to work would require some sort of external communication path between VM network and platform (k8s)
If the community have this requirement a proper storyboard/tasks should be created for a new feature