Here we go again...! I dont see how anyone is generating and iso right now, because the document is surely incorrect ... So please enlighten me as to how to accomplish this! I follow this guide.... everything works fine up until generate centos-repos repo sync has finished successfully. [dingo@1e7c00175f3d master]$ /import/mirrors/CentOS mirror_dir=/import/mirrors/CentOS config_dir=/localdisk/designer/dingo/master/cgcs-root/../stx-tools/centos-mirror-tools/config distro=centos layer=all layer_pkg_urls= layer_image_inc_urls= layer_wheels_inc_urls= The mirror /import/mirrors/CentOS doesn't has the Binary and Source folders. Please provide a valid mirror So how goes one create this "mirror" ? So this all works. And yes, Im sorry but I do have a bit of an attitude, Ive been trying to accomplish this for "months" and getting nowhere! Its very frustrating when your trying to understand something and the documentation isnt quite clear. Initialize the source tree. cd $MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR repo init -u -m default.xml repo sync To generate centos-repo The centos-repo is a set of symbolic links to the packages in the mirror and the mock configuration file. It is needed to create these links if this is the first build or the mirror has been updated. /import/mirrors/CentOS Where the argument to the script is the path of the mirror. To build all packages: $ cd $MY_REPO $ build-pkgs or build-pkgs --clean <pkglist>; build-pkgs <pkglist> To generate local-repo: The local-repo has the dependency information that sequences the build order; To generate or update the information the following command needs to be executed after building modified or new packages. $ -- Sent with Vivaldi Mail. Download Vivaldi for free at