Hi Xiao,

I have checked the possibilities with Debian project.
Here is the response from Debian dev to this issue. [1]

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2021/09/msg00267.html


On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 2:35 PM open infra <openinfradn@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Xiao,

May I know the package names? and arch of them?
Btw, there is a way to analyse circular dependent packages. [1]
Debian wiki has leff info about circular build but [2] has something.

In case of installation of fedora/centos/rhel, rpm -Uvh a.rpm b.rpm will solve the problem.


On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 12:24 PM Zhang, Xiao <xiao.zhang@windriver.com> wrote:

We are trying to construct basic environment for porting starlingX on
Debian. While when I dealing with the build order of user space
packages, the loop dependent problem blocked me.

The easiest example: source package A build depend on B while B is also
build depend on A. We can just build A, B, A, B and only use the later

A fairly complex example: A depends on B and C, B depends on D, C
depends on F, D depends on A and F. In this case there will be three
cycles as below:

A->B->D->A, A->B->D->F->A, A->C->F->A . Even more, if in some cases we
needn't B or D, then we have only one cycle: ACFA

I tried to find a method to deal with it but failed.

So I wonder how did we deal with such loop dependent before, on CentOS.
Any advises about it?

Thanks a lot


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