Agenda/Minutes are posted at: Release Team Meeting - July 17 2024 stx.10.0 - Release/Feature Planning: - Features still have missing/overdue/upcoming code merge and feature testing dates even with the bi-weekly reminders: - Missing / Overdue Code Merge Dates - k8s update to 1.28 - Bruce Jones - k8s update to 1.29 - Bruce Jones - FluxCD & helm upversions - Bruce Jones - Platform Application Maintenance - app-istio - Kailas Surkar - Platform Application Maintenance - spo - Kailas Surkar - Harbor Registry Integration in StarlingX - Kailas Surkar - O-RAN O2 IMS and DMS interface compliancy update - R003 - Michel Desjardins - Note: The feature tested dates may need to be re-visited as well - Missing / Overdue Feature Tested Dates - k8s update to 1.28 - Bruce Jones - k8s update to 1.29 - Bruce Jones - FluxCD & helm upversions - Bruce Jones - DTLS over SCTP Support - Kailas Surkar - Action: Ildiko will reach out directly to project leads to discuss ways to improve communication and updates Blogs - Redundant / HA PTP Time Sources (stx.9.0) - Prime: Ghada Khalil / Andre Zelak - Status: In Progress / PR opened - Pull Request: - An additional update was made on July 11, but it doesn't appear to have the desired changes. - Action: Ghada to follow up with AndreZ. Andre can reach out to Ildiko for help as needed. - FEC Device Configurability (fec-operator Integration) for ACC100 & N3000 (stx.8.0) - Prime: Balendu (Mouli) Burla - Status: Back in progress - Pull Request: - Recent updates look good from the stx perspective. - Need the author to confirm that the Intel internal approval process is complete so that we can publish. - Action: Ildiko to reach out to Mouli - Intel Ethernet Operator Integration (stx.9.0) - Prime: Rafal Lal - Status: Confirmed / Not posted - Forecast: TBD No further info/plan provided by the prime since this was discussed in Feb 2024